Conversational Spanish 1 (Beginner)
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Full course description
Course Type: TBD
Day: TBD
Time: TBD
Dates: TBD
Course Format: TBD
Course Technology Requirements: TBD
Materials: Coursebook included
Description: Students with little or no prior experience speaking the Spanish language can gain a basic understanding of vocabulary and grammar concepts, which allows students to apply what they learn during the conversational part of the class. Starting from the first class, students will be empowered to learn rules of pronunciation, present tenses, vocabulary, and the most commonly used Spanish verbs.
At the end of this class, students will be able to greet people, talk about themselves, and understand the basics of ordering food. Course objectives include learning the basic pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet, vocabulary, and verbs necessary for building basic Spanish sentences. To develop basic conversational skills learning the everyday common words such as names for formal introductions, time, days, months, colors, locations, and food. Classwork concentrates on building Spanish vocabulary and survival phrases along with repetition and pronunciation drills throughout the course.
Instructor: TBD
Life Management