
Get Going with QuickBooks (8/29/17 & 8/31/17)

Ended Sep 1, 2017

Spots remaining: 3

Full course description


Regent Campus

6437 Watson Road

Riverview, FL 33578


Room: 108

Days: Tuesday & Thursday 6:00pm - 9:30pm

Dates: August 29 & 31, 2017

Note: The book will be given during the first session. 

Description: Get Going with QuickBooks focuses on the basic features of this accounting software to record and track business transactions.  The target audience include: first time user, small business owners, administrative assistants, bookkeepers and/or anyone in need of a refresher course.


Instructor: Michael Jimenez, CPA 

When the course is finished please take this online survey. Once you complete the survey you will be given access to your Certificate of Completion.