EMT Refresher (09/25/2020 - 10/03/2020)
Ended Oct 3, 2020
Spots remaining: 10
Enrollment is closed
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Full course description
Skills Location:
SouthShore Campus
551 24th Street North East
Ruskin, FL 33570
16 hours online on your own.
16 hours of skills October 2 and 3, 2020 from 8:00am to 5pm at Southshore EMS Lab
Fee- $240
The EMT Refresher course is based on the most current DOT curriculum for EMT refresher.
The goal of the EMT Refresher course is to provide learning environment for the EMT student to meet the requirements to recertify as an EMT in the State of Florida.
The EMT-refresher course is a “blended” on-line course. The didactic requirements will be done on-line. The student MUST attend the least sixteen (16) hours in the HCC EMS Lab for lab skills practice and evaluation.
The student is required to take the online quizzes. The student will answer the questions and submit for grading. Each quiz will allow two attempts and the highest score of the two attempts must be an 80%. The student my contact the instructor at any time with questions pertaining to the online quizzes.
After completion of all on-line work and quizzes, the student will be required to pass a written exam as part of the EMT Refresher course. You MUST pass the exam with an 80% or higher. If you do not achieve an 80%, you are able to retest. If you fail to make an 80% on your retest, you MUST meet or contact the course instructor before proceeding with the EMT Refresher course. It is important that prior to taking an exam you comprehend the information presented in your text.
While reading, you are encouraged to write down information that is unclear or that you do not understand and meet with the course instructor for clarification and /or a review session.
As part of the EMT Refresher course you are required to complete basic skill competencies. The hands on skills and knowledge-base needed to successfully complete these assessments is gained from previous experience in the field, as well as your EMT Textbook and/or Refresher Skills Practicum. In keeping with the concept of a competency based curriculum, you have the opportunity to practice all skills in the lab prior to testing without penalty. This will allow you to gain important feedback from the Instructors prior to testing.
This refresher course contains the mandatory 2 hours of Pediatric instruction
Two (2) hours of HIV/AIDS refresher training is included as part of the EMT Refresher Course. In order to renew your EMT certification you must have documentation of meeting this requirement.
In order to pass the EMT Refresher course you must complete all course requirements including the Final Exam with an 80% and have successfully completed the minimum Lab work consisting of skills listed in bold face type. It is your responsibility upon completion of all course work, to carefully remove the yellow cover stock page from your Refresher Skills Practicum for the EMT book; review that all necessary signatures have been obtained, and turn it in to the course instructor to receive a letter of completion. This letter of completion signed by the Program Manager and Medical Director is verification of successful completion of the course and should be kept on file.
If, to participate in this course, you require accommodations due to a physical or learning impairment, you must contact the Office of Student Services to Students with Disabilities. The office is located in the Student Services Bldg., Room 208. You may also reach the office by phone, (813) 253-7031, TDD (813) 253-7035, or (813) 253-7336.
Questions? Contact Larry Linder. llinder@hccfl.edu